Why tech awards matter to your brand

Picture it now—you’re on stage at a spectacular venue for a prestigious tech awards ceremony, your name is called out and you make your way to the stage, the wild applause of your peers ringing in your ears as you collect your trophy. You raise it aloft as you take in the acclaim, enjoying your moment of glory.

Obviously that’s the dream outcome for most people entering, but the benefits of taking part in tech awards such as our own (and we’re led to believe there are no others on the planet, promise!) go way beyond that single moment in the spotlight. So, why else should you think about getting your name (or someone else’s) in lights? And more specifically, why should you have your eye on events that reflect your own industry as well as the more generic offerings out there?

It’s safe to say there are plenty of reasons that extend beyond one glitzy evening and a trophy, so let’s list some for you now.


You know your business inside out, your customers also recognize that you’re brilliant at what you do, but does anyone else? Acknowledgement from independent experts such as our own judging panel (made up of a wide range of leading figures within cloud technology) is verification from your peers that you’re amongst the best at what you do. And that’s marketable in itself.

Think of the last time you Googled a plumber or a builder and there’s a good chance you checked their review score before picking up the phone. Awards have that same gravitas—everyone’s website declares that they’re the best there is, but not everyone can boast of awards that back it up.

It also gets your name out in front of some of the amazing businesses involved with the awards, as well as potential customers who are either attending in person or following the awards online. Programs such as the Digital Revolution Awards have a niche but passionate following—made up of the exact audience you’ll likely want to be targeting on a day-to-day basis. And that’s invaluable.


Of course, a specific tech-focused program is always an ideal trophy to add to your cabinet. There are a range of ‘best workplace’ type awards that are a brilliant addition to your collection, but what do they say about you as an employer of tech talent specifically? It can be such a nuanced area of work—remember the fuss made by the general public about working from home, long after it had become the norm within the tech industry? That’s just one example that backs up the suggestion that being recognized by those in the know is a far better indicator of your success to those on the inside.

Our own expert judging panel spans a wide range of experience across a number of different cloud platforms, making them the perfect authority on what makes someone the best. Whether that’s through digital innovation or simply being a great employer of tech talent, there’s no greater validation of your expertise in your chosen field than from a tech-specific awards program filled with experienced leaders that know the industry inside out, such as ours.

Aligning with causes that matter

We all quite rightly have a close eye on corporate social responsibility nowadays, as the realization has come that businesses need to do more than just make money. That means aligning yourself with the right brands, becoming a better employer to work for, and championing the causes you truly believe in in order to leave a positive mark on the world.

Awards like our own have a two-fold benefit when it comes to your CSR efforts. First up are the categories that reward them. That could be our Tech For Good award, which looks at cloud solutions that do something positive, or Outstanding Contribution to the Earth, which highlights the things being done to tackle the climate emergency. There are others that reward ED&I commitments, so if you’re a prominent organization when it comes to inclusivity and diversity or you’re spearheading a change, then this can be another way of acknowledging it.

Selecting the right awards program can also be an important part of your strategy. For example, the Digital Revolution Awards has a keen eye on our environmental impact. That’s why we work hard to reduce the carbon impact of our in-person events, deliberately use sustainable materials for anything physical we produce, and even plant a tree for every nomination we receive. Last year we planted over 700 saplings, helping to reforest the world, support local communities and protect biodiversity in the process!

Choosing someone like the Digital Revolution Awards as the way to recognize your work doesn’t just help your own CSR efforts gain recognition, but even if you’re nominating beyond the categories focused on corporate social responsibility then you’re also aligning yourself with an organization who have these issues front and center of their consciousness.


Okay, whisper this next one quietly—but winning isn’t everything. While the temptation is always to put yourself forward (and why wouldn’t it be? You’re amazing, after all!), think about the categories involved and whether they might also be suited to existing or potential clients as well as just yourself or your own organization. While writing a nomination can be intimidating for some (but it really shouldn’t—here’s how it’s done), it’s the perfect way to show that you actually have a firm grasp of the challenges they’ve faced and how they’ve overcome them.

There really is no greater compliment to a client than recognizing their own work externally and helping get their name out there to be celebrated. Let’s face it—a nomination is way more impressive than a ‘nice one’ email. Plus, you can also connect with them at our fantastic awards ceremonies and let your hair down together, too! If you’re struggling for a new way to make a positive impression on someone, we can guarantee a nomination is a great way to impress. 

Talent attraction

We know how difficult it can be to attract and retain top cloud professionals in 2023. With many of them having several offers on the table as they look at the career opportunities ahead of them, standing out has never been more important for employers. Sure, you can talk about your organization’s incredible culture during the interview process and the way your leadership team really is different, but what’s way more impressive is being able to prove it.

Say, for example, the shiny trophy that sits in your foyer for Best Partner to Work For, Diversity and Inclusion Employer of the Year or Outstanding Leader of the Year. Titles that show your company isn’t just talking the talk, but that the industry’s leading names have acknowledged is walking the walk. Having a clutch of awards is external verification of the way your organization lives and breathes.

Similarly, it shows your existing employees that they’re working for an organization that’s truly making a difference and success is infectious. And why wouldn’t you want to continue to be a part of that success?

With all this in mind, why not begin your journey today? Nominations for the 2025 Digital Revolution Awards remain open until October 31, 2024. Celebrate your cloud hero now!

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