Five ways to write an awards nomination at speed

With the deadline fast approaching for this year’s Digital Revolution Awards, there’s a good chance you have your eye nervously cast towards the first milestone, which is our 50% early bird discount ending on September 12th.

And while our Awards Hub allows you to begin your entry then save your progress to complete at a later date, you may still be wondering how to complete your submission in time.

It goes without saying that the key to a winning entry is a quality nomination, but if your achievements speak for themselves then there are ways to get your entry submitted without taking up as much of your time as you may have feared.

They’re not exactly shortcuts, but here’s four ways you could save time writing an entry:

Existing material

While we’re looking for a minimum of 400 words on why your organization is leading the way, there’s a good chance your marketing department has already written about it at length. Whether that’s for internal purposes or external brochures, maybe even a page on your website—there’s a good chance that someone has written about your company’s highlights somewhere already. If that’s the case then you’ve already saved yourself a job! You can use this as the basis of your entry, adding in the key points (or even copying and pasting them outright if appropriate) into our nomination form and submitting your entry within minutes!

Our cheat sheet

We get it—compiling a written entry can seem daunting. Where do you even start? To help you, we’ve moved our popular cheat sheet into the entry itself, walking you through the nomination process step-by-step. It covers the type of information our judges are looking for, broken down into an easy-to-follow structure. All you need to do is type a few words out into each section that cover the points in question, and you’re finished. Magic!


Okay, so we’ll admit this isn’t a favored path but since we have our own Excellence in AI category it’d be crazy not to mention it—especially given the worldwide headlines it’s generated in the last 12 months. If it’s the writing itself that you’re finding intimidating, then why not list some of your key achievements into a program such as ChatGPT and let it transform them into sentences, or maybe at least expand upon why these highlights matter? From there, a quick ten-minute proofread and edit of its suggestions could see you on your way.


If you want an entry that is more likely to stand out on a human front, then why not hire an actual human (remember them?) to do it for you? It may add more cost onto your entry, but if time is the real blocker then a ten-minute briefing call is likely all that you need. Websites such as Fiverr/Upwork will have an array of freelance copywriting talent at your fingertips, many of whom will be experienced in writing award entries already!


The average typing speed is around 40 words per minute, compared to up to 150 words per minute when spoken. So it stands to reason that submitting your nomination via video will cut your time considerably, right? If you’re more of an orator than you are a wordsmith, then a 3-5 minute video outlining why you should win is also acceptable. It’s worth noting some bullet points that offer tangible evidence to refer to, just to ensure your video entry covers as much of the category criteria as possible. With the entire world having access to video equipment, whether it’s a recording from Teams on your laptop or a clip taken on your phone, a video entry is a quick and easy way to get your nomination in.

Any of the above options are a surefire way to submit an entry to the 2025 Digital Revolution Awards if your time is limited, so why not register with our Awards Hub and get started today? Our 50% early bird discount ends September 12th.

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